Saturday, December 28, 2019

Creons Dramatic Monologue from Antigone

Considering he appears in all three plays of  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹Ã¢â‚¬â€¹Sophocles Oedipus trilogy, Creon is a complex and diverse character. In  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹Oedipus the King, he serves as an advisor and moral compass. In Oedipus at Colonus, he tries to negotiate with the blind ex-monarch in hopes of gaining power. Finally  in, Creon has attained the throne after a long civil war between two brothers,  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹Eteocles, and Polyneices. Oedipus’ son Eteocles died defending the city-state of Thebes. Polyneices, on the other hand, dies trying to usurp power from his brother. Creons Dramatic Monologue In this monologue  placed at the play’s beginning, Creon establishes the conflict. The fallen Etecles is granted a hero’s funeral. However, Creon decrees that the traitorous Polyneices will be left to rot in the wilderness. This royal order will stir up a singular rebellion when the devoted sister of the brothers, Antigone, refuses to abide by Creon’s laws. When Creon punishes her for following the will of the Olympian Immortals and not the rule of the king, he incurs the wrath of the gods. The following excerpt is reprinted from Greek Dramas. Ed. Bernadotte Perrin. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1904 CREON: I now possess the throne and all its powers, by nearness of kinship to the dead. No man can be fully known, in soul and spirit and mind, until he hath been seen versed in rule and law-giving. For if any, being supreme guide of the state, cleaves not to the best counsels, but, through some fear, keeps his lips locked, I hold, and have ever held, him most base; and if any makes a friend of more account than his fatherland, that man hath no place in my regard. For I--be Zeus my witness, who sees all things always--would not be silent if I saw ruin, instead of safety, coming to the citizens; nor would I ever deem the countrys foe a friend to myself; remembering this, that our country is the ship that bears us safe, and that only while she prospers in our voyage can we make true friends. Such are the rules by which I guard this citys greatness. And in accord with them is the edict which I have now published to the folk touching the sons of Oedipus; that Eteocles, who hath fallen fi ghting for our city, in all renown of arms, shall be entombed, and crowned with every rite that follows the noblest dead to their rest. But for his brother, Polyneices--who came back from exile, and sought to consume utterly with fire the city of his fathers and the shrines of his fathers gods--sought to taste of kindred blood, and to lead the remnant into slavery--touching this man, it hath been proclaimed to our people that none shall grace him with sepulture or lament, but leave him unburied, a corpse for birds and dogs to eat, a ghastly sight of shame.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Divorce Rate Of Married Couples - 880 Words

Throughout the continental United States, the divorce rate among married couples is approximately â€Å"forty to fifty percent† according to the American Psychological Association (APA). Although this is a simple figure, this essentially means the sanctity of marriage has dissipated for half of the U.S. This figure pertains to the marriage between two adults, but the people being affected the most by the divorce are the children. Children of divorce are often guilty of blaming themselves for the marriage failure. My parents divorced when I was three years old, and, thankfully, I do not remember anything about their proceedings in the divorce. Their divorce has played a significant role in the aspect of the person I have become today. Divorce has become too important of an issue to ignore. According to the American Psychological Association, at least half of the children in the United States will experience divorce by the time they turn eighteen. In some cases, the marriage can be repaired through counseling, communication, or some other form of help. However, in some cases, the marriage will fail and divorce is the only remaining option. When this happens, the parents must know how to explain it to their child. If not, they may grow up blaming themselves for the parents’ failed marriage. It is crucial that the parents make the divorce as easy as possible on the children so it will not change who they are or their outlook on life. To make divorce as easy as possible on yourShow MoreRelatedThe Divorce Rate Of Japan996 Words   |  4 Pages Divorce Ever since the 1950’s, the rate of divorce has been increasing immensely to a degree that it is becoming socially acceptable. It is losing its stigma as well. Most divorces in the world have similar reasons and statistics as to why divorce is becoming more common, but also have some differences. For instance, Japan’s divorce rate is at 27% whereas Russia has a higher divorce rate around 60% due to some of the same controversial reasons. Japan’s divorce is still fairly lower than theRead MoreEffect Of Cohabitation On The Male And Females1287 Words   |  6 Pagestogether in sexual unions without actually getting married. Research has it that over 60% of marriages today derive their basis form prior cohabitation. However, less than a half of such unions end up in marriages of if they end up in marriages; the marriages themselves are never satisfied. According to statistics, over 46% of marriages derived from cohabitation today results in divorce cases and the wo rsening effects is even higher when the couple involved have cohabited severally in the past. TheRead MoreMarriage Is A Bond Made993 Words   |  4 PagesMarriage is a bond made, between two people, that is meant to last until death. The idea of getting married, is a way of life that has been instilled in society’s brain, as a milestone for a fulfilling life. Children grow up watching movies and reading books about young love and happily ever after, while teenagers are in search for a â€Å"#goals† relationship. Starting at a young age and continuing on throughout adulthood; crushes, relationships, and marriage are a popular topics of discussion. YoungRead MoreTrends of Marriage and Divorce Essay1285 Words   |  6 Pages Despite a decline in marriage rates compared to decades previous, marriage was still considered far and wide a social norm, albeit a faltering one. Couples were much more reluctant to get divorced, and many saw marriage as a commitment that illust rated their maturity and adulthood. Compared to what is probably the peak of marriage rates in America, the post-WWII era, the 1920s experienced over two-thirds the amount of marriages. While the highest annual rate of marriage in the mid-1940s peakedRead MoreCauses of Divorce Essay886 Words   |  4 PagesCause and Effect of Divorce In today’s society, divorce is more the norm than ever before. Forty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Divorce defined by Webster is the action or an instance of legally dissolving a marriage. Divorce itself is both a cause and effect. There are many causes of divorce. Some of the causes happen more often than others. For instance, the most common causes of divorce are poor communication, financial problems such as lack of money, lack of commitment to marriageRead MoreWhy Has The Divorce Rate Of The Uk Change Over The Past 30 Years?1181 Words   |  5 PagesWhy has the divorce rate in the UK change over the past 30 years? Contents Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 2 Main Body†¦........................................................................................................................................... 3 Conclusion.............................................................................................................Read MoreEffects Of Divorce On Children And The Parents929 Words   |  4 Pageslives together. The decision to divorce was created to be able to release on spouse out of the relationship when the other broke their vows at a high enough offense. After the laws of divorce became much easier, the rates of divorce became a lot higher as well. If the laws to divorce became more difficult, the levels of divorce wouldn t be as high and many would think a more before entering into marriage so quickly. In this paper, the affects of children in divorce vs two parent relationships willRead MoreArgumentative Essay on Gay marriage672 Words   |  3 Pagesto put a ring on it. Same sex couples should be allowed to publicly celebrate their relationship in the same way as heterosexual couples. The Human Rights Campaign Foundation states that many same sex couples want the right to legally marry and honor their relationship in the greatest way our society has to offer.... Also same couples should have access to the same benefits enjoyed by heterosexual married couples. Many benefits are only available to married couples, such as hospital visitation duringRead MoreThe Reasons for Changes in the Patterns of Marriage, Cohabitation and Divorce in the last 30 Years845 Words   |  4 Pagesthe Patterns of Marriage, Cohabitation and Divorce in the last 30 Years Over the last 30 years there has been a significant change in the pattern for marriage, co-habitation and divorce. There are many reasons for these changes that have taken place. For example, since 1971, when a divorce act was introduced, divorce has been more acceptable in todays society. This has slowly increased the figures of divorce at a steady rate. A downfall in religion has also contributedRead MoreDivorce : A Serious Epidemic932 Words   |  4 Pagespositive to every negative. Even my divorce? For me, yes. If you go back and look at it, why it happened or how it happened, there’s something in there that’ll make you laugh.† Although divorce can be considered humorous it has become a serious epidemic. About 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how an individual takes part in causing divorce, how society plays a part in divorce, and how can we lessen the situation. When divorce is looked into the odds of success

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Four Wives Essay Research Paper Four WivesThere free essay sample

Four Wifes. Essay, Research Paper Four Wifes There was a rich merchandiser of India who had 4 married womans ( when they used to make such things. ) He loved the 4th married woman the most. He adorned her with rich robes and treated her to daintinesss. He took great attention of her and gave her nil but the best. He besides loved his 3rd married woman really much. He was really proud of her and ever wanted to demo her off to his friends. However, the merchandiser was ever in great fright that she might run away with some other adult male. He, excessively, loved his 2nd married woman. She was a really considerate individual, ever patient and the merchandiser # 8217 ; s confidante. Whenever the merchandiser faced some jobs, he ever turned to his 2nd married woman and she would ever assist him out and surge him through hard times. Now, the merchandiser # 8217 ; s 1st married woman was a really loyal spouse and made great parts in keeping his wealth and concern, every bit good as taking attention of the family. We will write a custom essay sample on Four Wives Essay Research Paper Four WivesThere or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, the merchandiser did non love the first married woman and although she loved him profoundly, he barely took notice of her. One twenty-four hours, the merchandiser fell ill. Before long, he knew that he was traveling to decease shortly. He thought of his epicurean life and told himself, # 8220 ; Now, I have 4 married womans with me. But when I die, I # 8217 ; ll be entirely. How lonely I # 8217 ; ll be! # 8221 ; Therefore, he asked the fourth married woman, # 8220 ; I loved you most, endowed you with the finest vesture and showered great attention over you. Now that I # 8217 ; m deceasing, will you follow me and maintain me company? # 8221 ; # 8220 ; No manner! # 8221 ; replied the fourth married woman and she walked off without another word. The reply cut like a crisp knife right into the merchandiser # 8217 ; s bosom. The sad merchandiser so asked the 3rd married woman, # 8220 ; I have loved you so much for all my life. Now that I # 8217 ; m deceasing, will you follow me and maintain me company? # 8221 ; # 8220 ; No! # 8221 ; replied the 3rd married woman. # 8220 ; Life is so good over here! I # 8217 ; m traveling to remarry when you die! # 8221 ; The merchandiser # 8217 ; s bosom sank and turned cold. He so asked the 2nd married woman, # 8220 ; I # 8217 ; ve ever turned to you for aid and you # 8217 ; ve ever helped me out. Now I need your aid once more. When I die, will you follow me and maintain me company? # 8221 ; # 8220 ; I # 8217 ; m sorry, I can # 8217 ; t assist you out this clip! # 8221 ; replied the 2nd married woman. # 8220 ; At the really most, I can merely direct you to your grave. # 8221 ; The reply came like a bolt of boom and the merchandiser was devastated. Then a voice called out: # 8220 ; I # 8217 ; ll leave with you. I # 8217 ; ll follow you, no affair where you go. # 8221 ; The merchandiser looked up and there was his first married woman. She was so scraggy, about like she suffered from malnutrition. Greatly grieved, the merchandiser said, # 8220 ; I should hold taken much better attention of you while I could hold! # 8221 ; Actually, we all have 4 married womans in our lives. The fourth married woman is our organic structure. No affair how much clip and attempt we lavish in doing it look good, it # 8217 ; ll leave us when we die. Our 3rd married woman? Our ownerships, position and wealth. When we dice, they all go to others. The 2nd married woman is our household and friends. No affair how near they have been for us when we # 8217 ; re alive, the furthest they can remain by us is up to the grave. The 1st married woman is our psyche, frequently neglected in our chase of stuff wealth and animal pleasance. Think what? It is really the lone 1 that follows us wherever we go. Possibly ( merely possibly ) it # 8217 ; s a good thought to cultivate and beef up it now instead than to wait until we # 8217 ; re on our deathbed, keening.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Nursing and Collaborative Interventions †

Question: Discuss about the Nursing and Collaborative Interventions. Answer: Nursing interventions to manage patients clinical priority: This report critically presents an evaluation of nursing and collaborative interventions implemented for the management of the clinical condition of Mr. A, 80 year old male who was admitted to the CCU with complicated angina and unexpected pulmonary edema. A patient admitted in CCU goes through the stage of triage, diagnosis, treatment, observation, discharge and follow up. In relation to the problem of chest pain in patient, the first clinical priority was to assess chest pain in patient and then determine the medications needed as per hospital protocol to reduce chest pain. The PQRST method was employed for the assessment of chest pain by the nurse. The first step taken by nurse was to conduct positioning to give a comfortable position to patient. During this step, it is necessary for nurse to inquire about how chest pain is relieved. If patients get pain relied due to change in body position, then it is an indication that pain is not ischemic in nature, however if it is relieved b y giving GTN, then it is an indication of ischemic pain (Boden et al., 2015). According to Drahnak Custer (2015), main aim of positioning is to provide physical comfort to patient during and utility of prone positioning is mainly realized in improving oxygenation rate in patient. In case of angina, nurses also instruct patient to leave all activities and rest in bed in semi-fowlers position. After positioning, the most important nursing action is for chest pain management is to assess the severity and level of pain. Use of pain assessment tools help to quantify the severity of chest pain and determine the best medication and treatment needed in patients to provided pain relief (Purser, Warfield, Richardson, 2014). The nurse assessed the level of pain in Mr. A by the PQRST method. The PQRST pain assessment tool is an effective tool that supports a nurse accurately in reporting about pain in patient. It mainly inquires patient about precipitating factors (P), quality of pain (Q), Region of pain (R), severity or duration (S) and timing (T) (Lisi BCPP, 2015). The main advantage of the PQRST pain assessment method is that the mnemonics used in the tool help nurses to get cues regarding the elements to be considered during pain assessment method. For instance, the question about onset of pain can give idea about patients ability to cope with pain and respond to treatment (Al thaus, Arrnz Becker, Neugebauer, 2014)... The cause of pain helps to identify the mechanism behind the pain. In addition, the site and radiation informs nurses and clinician about patient diagnosis and future course of treatment (Linl et al., 2011). Hence, in short PQRST is the most common and effective approach to collect self-report of pain from patients (Swift, 2017).This process of pain assessment by PQRST helped the nurse and clinician in the case study to start the treatment. ECG is a pathophysiological approach to assessment of chest pain and it is mainly performed in patients requiring medical attention for chest discomfort and myocardial ischemia. The benefits performing ECG during ongoing chest pain is that it can help to identify about the ischemic nature of pain. For instance, chest pain caused by ischemia will show changes in ischemic ST-T waves or else the ST-T changes will be absent (Hamilton-Craig et al., 2014). Apart from PQRST, collaborative pain assessment was also done by conducting ECG on Mr. A and ECG mainly showed horizontal and downward depression in ST segment. This form of abnormality in ST segment is mainly caused by myocardial infarction (Reinstadler et al., 2015). Hence, the use of non-invasive cardiac investigation by ECG was an effective step used by clinician to assess symptoms of mycocardial ischemia in patients like Mr. A with chest pain (Radico et al., 2014). In response to assessment regarding severity and cause of pain in patients, the first nursing intervention implemented for Mr. A was to administer one dose of 600 mcg of GTN sublingually to relieve pain patients. GTN is a glyceryl trinitrate tablets that is given to provide relief from pain caused by angina or to prevent an expected heart attack. This medication is mainly given to patients during the first sign of chest pain and the medication starts acting within five minutes as it is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream (Thompson, 2016). It relieves pain mainly by the action of relaxing the blood vessel and reducing the workload on the hearts. The widening of the heart arteries lead to increase in flow of blood to the heart muscles and consequent relieves chest pain. Another evidence showed that GTN have a direct relaxant effect as they act on vascular smooth muscles and dilates coronary vessels to improve oxygen supply to the myocardium. It affirmed that all patients with stable angina must be prescribed short-acting nitrates for acute symptomatic pain. The only reported side effects with this drug are headache and hypotension (Docherty, Jackson, Gardner, 2016). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of antianginal drugs as add-on therapy in patients with stable angina revealed that when short acting nitrates cannot control symptoms of stable angina in patient, then prophylaxis using beta-blocker should be started. This points out to the alternative options for patients with stable angina if GTN does not work. The combination of beta-blocker or calcium channel blocker along with other class of medications like Ranolazine was found to give positive clinical outcomes in patient (Belsey et al., 2015). Alternative medication option was also taken for Mr. A as nursing reassessment of blood pressure and pain showed no improvement in symptoms. Pain score was 7/10 and blood pressure remained elevated. The normal hospital procotol is that if pain does not subside after first dose, then nurse can give another dose after 5 minutes. The same was done by the nurse, however as the second dose also did not worked, the nurse had to colla borate with the clinician and ask for other medication option for patient. The final collaborative intervention given to Mr. A was 4mg Morphine via IV push. The final medication, Morphine was found effective in relieving pain as chest pain reduced to 1/10 with movement and 0/10 at rest. Morphine is also one of the initial treatment options for acute coronary syndrome characterized by symptoms of myocardial ischemia. As chest pain is one of the main symptoms of chest pain, hence the use of Morphine in place of GTN is an accurate collaborative intervention for Mr. A as evidence proves that Morphine is administered to patient if pain does not resolved with nitrogylcerine The binding of Morphine to opiate receptors in brain decreased the perception of pain and this mechanism cause pain relief (Puymirat et al., 2015). There are evidences to prove the effectiveness of Morphine in the treatment of ischemic type of chest pain. Weldon, Ariano and Grierson, (2016) showed that morphine is a common analgesic choice in ischemic cardiac pain as it reduces systematic stress and release of catecholamine in patient. However, the study compared the effect iveness of morphine with fentanyl in the treatment of ischemic type chest pain by means of double-blind randomized controlled trial. The trial with the medication in two different group revealed that fentanyl is a more safer and effective alternative to morphine for chest pain management because of slow onset of action of morphine. Hence, if the nurse had given Fentanyl to Mr. A for pain relief, the outcome might have been different. Oxygenation is also an alternative nursing intervention for chest pain management and this was not considered in the case scenario. Supplemental oxygen is administered as part of initial treatment to increase oxygenation in the ischemic heart tissue which is deprived of oxygen. This is part of the MONA (Morphine, nitrate, oxygen and antiplatelets) standard treatment for patients with acute myocardial infarction. However, cautionary note has been given for oxygen therapy as high flow oxygen caused greater infarct size and increased the risk of mortality in patient (Raut Maheshwari, 2016). A randomized controlled trial done to investigate about the clinical effect of routine oxygen therapy in patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction revealed that oxygen supplementation did not reduced the 1 year all cause of mortality in patients do who did not have hypoxemia (Hofmann et al., 2017). Another alternative intervention proposed for the management of symptoms in myocardial infar ction included use of manual thrombectomy in case of patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) (Levine et al., 2015). A randomized controlled trial on the use of routine manual thrombectomy is PCI revealed that it did not reduced the risk of primary outcomes in patients and stroked rate was high in patients who went through the therapy (Jolly et al., 2015). The evaluation of the whole assessment and pain management process for Mr. A suggests that optimal methods were selected to monitor, assess and treat chest pain in patients. This is also confirmed by a systematic review on clinical assessment of patients with chest pain as it showed that pain assessment tools along with physical examination or ECG is essential for prediction of cause of chest pain and planning treatment in patients (Ayerbe et al., 2016). Critical reflection on nursing practice The above experience of assessment and management of chest pain was a valuable learning experience for me as it helped me to understand the crucial element that is required for pain assessment. At the initial stage, the pain assessment is most crucial step to get idea about severity, cause, onset and exacerbating and relieving factors of pain. I found that although following routine pain assessment protocol becomes challenging amidst other clinical work in hospital setting, however use of specific pain assessment tool enhances the accuracy as well as the pace of pain assessment (Phillip et al., 2014). For instance, with the use of PQRST pain assessment tool, I found that my work of pain assessment became easier as the pneumonic used in the tool gave me the cues and guidance to document self-report of pain in patient. However, I am not sure whether PQRST is the most optimal tool for pain assessment, hence to increase my nursing practice in the future I would also like to know about th e other valid and reliable tools that can improve pain assessment process in clinical setting. In addition, the process of administering medication and continual observation for blood pressure and pain score was a challenging task for me because I had to vigilant and take record after giving GTN. I experience dilemma in this situation too as pain did not subside in patient even after giving two dose of medication. However, I realized that pain assessment and treatment is a collaborative process and effective communication with my clinician helped me to gain knowledge about initial treatment options needed if certain medication does not work for patient. This is also relevance with the nursing competency of demonstrating effective collaboration with the interprofessional team during pain management (Fishman et al., 2013). My future priority is to understand approach needed to tackle unexpected complications in patient during pain management. References Althaus, A., Arrnz Becker, O., Neugebauer, E. (2014). Distinguishing between pain intensity and pain resolution: Using acute post?surgical pain trajectories to predict chronic post?surgical pain.European Journal of Pain,18(4), 513-521. Ayerbe, L., Gonzlez, E., Gallo, V., Coleman, C. L., Wragg, A., Robson, J. (2016). Clinical assessment of patients with chest pain; a systematic review of predictive tools.BMC cardiovascular disorders,16(1), 18. 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